Friday, November 10, 2006

Congressan James L. Oberstar Honored For Bike Legislation

The National Center for Safe Routes to School has announced it will establish an annual award in the name of Congressman James L. Oberstar. An avid bicyclist, Congressman Oberstar is recognized as the leading bike advocate in Congress. As the senior Democrat on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Congressman Oberstar has led the way in promoting legislation that is bicycle-friendly. During his 32 years in Congress, he has shaped the nation's surface transportation policies to encourage bicycling as an important alternative to travel by car or other motorized conveyance. He championed the Safe Routes to School program and built bipartisan support to secure its inclusion in the final version of a massive highway and transit bill last year. SAFETEA-LU, which was signed into law in 2005, included $612 million for grants over five years for communities in all 50 states to build bike lanes, sidewalks, and trails that will make it safer and easier for children to bike and walk to school.

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